Should you be thinking that this really is the right time to give one thing special for yourself such as get one thing wonderful for yourself or bring one thing wonderful into your house, usually you will often go for one thing that very good and affordable. Nonetheless it has to be a valuable merchandise for the primary reason. And it must be greater if the item come from a dependable brand that is well-known everywhere. Oster is giving you and everybody the top remedy with Oster CKSTWTLS00 400-Watt 13-1/2-by-20-1/2-Inch Warming Tray, Stainless Steel. Our newest item which will full fill your need and it's launching now.
There is only our customers that will comprehend clearly that how good of this contemporary product apparatus. the top technology and newest condition that our specialist utilised to operate this clever item will make Oster CKSTWTLS00 400-Watt 13-1/2-by-20-1/2-Inch Warming Tray, Stainless Steel perfect for you and your house a lot more than any other comparable goods within the industry. And you will be understood that why there are lots of customers extremely content with this item soon after they became one with the owners.
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Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $39.99
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Relax and take the time to enjoy hosting with this smart, space-efficient Oster electric warming tray on hand. Crafted of sleek stainless steel and large enough to fit two 9-by-12-inch casserole dishes, the 400-watt appliance provides a powerful heating capacity that holds foods at their optimal temperature while entertaining family and friends. Use it to keep the cheese melted and delicious in lasagna or ravioli dishes, to ensure that meatballs remain hot, to keep apple pies or brownies warm enough to melt ice cream, and for many other purposes. The warmer sports skid-resistant, non-marking feet that keep it steady and prevent damage to tabletops, counters, or buffets, while its handy "power" indicator light offers at-a-glance safety - particularly in the presence of young children. Best of all, its low-profile design tucks neatly into a cupboard or drawer when not in use. A smart kitchen essential that can also be transported to potlucks, family reunions, and camping trips for on-the-road convenience, the warming tray measures approximately 13-1/2 by 20-1/2 by 2-1/2-inch.
- Electric warming tray large enough to fit two 9 by 12 inch casserole dishes
- Powerful 400 watts for fast heating; "on" indicator light
- Made of durable stainless steel with skid-resistant, non-marking feet
- Keeps food warm while entertaining; low-profile design for compact storage
- Measures approximately 13-1/2 by 20-1/2 by 2-1/2 inches
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